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Skilled Home Health Care for Low Vision

About Low Vision

Low vision is an eye condition that impacts daily life and cannot be fixed with prescription lenses or surgery. Low vision can be caused by congenital defects, injuries and diseases like macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and diabetes-related retinopathy.

Symptoms of low vision vary for each patient, but they may include:

  • Reduced visual acuity field
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Poor depth perception
  • Double vision
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Balance problems

Each patient’s plan of care is tailored to meet their unique care needs and health goals. Most commonly, home care helps low vision patients:

  • Remain independent at home
  • Decrease their risk of falling and promote safety
  • Receive intervention at the first signs of any complications

Elara Caring offers many skilled services, including a diagnosis-specific low vision program, Eye Care We Care, to support patients as they manage their low vision at home.

  • Home care nursing, for example, offers education to patients on the disease process and their medications.
  • Occupational therapy helps patients function at the highest possible level by preventing accidents and injury, teaching new skills, modifying tasks or their environment and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Occupational therapists can assess patients’ homes for safety issues or fall risks, too.
  • Medical social work services can help patient cope with their diagnosis and lifestyle changes, in addition to connecting them with community resources and other support systems.

How do I know if I’m ready for home care to help manage my low vision?

Our team of experts assess each patient for home care eligibility. Some signs that you may be ready for home care for low vision are:

  • Leaving home is taxing and/or requires assistance
  • Hospitalization or ER visit in last 6 months
  • New diagnosis
  • Onset or increase in signs and symptoms
  • Confusion about medications
  • New or recent medication changes
  • Falling in the past 6 months
  • Decline in ability to perform ADLs/IADLs
  • Concern from patient and/or family about recent health changes
Nurse explaining to senior woman how to take her medicine at home

Get in touch with Elara Caring

Contact your local Elara Caring branch for more information or ask your physician if skilled home health with Elara Caring may be right for you.

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