Health and Wellness | April 17, 2020
Coping in Stressful Times
Stressful life situations can leave us feeling scared, anxious, lonely, and confused. These feelings can be overwhelming and can add to the intensity of the situation. Some of you might find yourselves having these feelings in relation to the COVID-19 virus. Coping in healthy ways with the stress of a situation can make you, the people you care about and your community, stronger.
Are you feeling stressed? Ask yourself these questions.
- Am I feeling worried that I or a loved one will contract the virus?
- Do I have increased or decreased appetite?
- Do I have increased difficulty sleeping or am I sleeping too much?
- Have I noticed decreased concentration or racing thoughts?
- Am I having increased irritability or restlessness?
- Have I noticed heart palpitations, sweating, or nausea?
- Am I having overwhelming feelings that get in the way of activities for several days in a row?
- Am I feeling hopeless or having thoughts of hurting myself because I am so sad?
Strategies to Cope with Stress and Anxiety
- Focus on what is in my control.
- Practice social distancing (stay 6 feet apart from others, stay in your home, etc.)
- Wash your hands frequently (minimum 20 seconds)
- Monitor your health and temperature – contact your doctor if you have cough or fever
- Limit your time watching the news or on social media
- Take care of your health – eat healthy, exercise, get fresh air daily
- Plan activities you enjoy to keep your hands and mind busy (read, crafts, puzzles, listen to music, watch movies, journal, pray, gardening)
- Establish a buddy system; call or check in with your buddy daily
- Identify a friend or family member that you trust to listen to your concerns and be supportive in a positive way
- Create a plan to have family help with finances, medications, groceries, or banking
- Take deep breaths, stretch, meditate
Need to talk about your fears or anxiety? We can help. Contact us or visit our home care locations page to find the branch nearest you. We provide home care services across the U.S.