What is it like being a hospice volunteer with Elara Caring?
“I enjoy volunteering at Elara Caring because I strongly feel the service they provide as hospice is more than a job; it’s a mission. I saw how much difference hospice made in the end stages of my father’s life and felt I wanted to help. Additionally, the people I have come to know at Elara Caring are kind, nice and dedicated. I’d recommend volunteering at Elara Caring because, in addition to feeling that the work is worthwhile, there is good variety in the tasks I do, and I enjoy my tasks. I feel the staff supports each other and they work well as a team.”
“Volunteering at Elara Caring fulfills a desire to give comfort, tranquility and care to those facing terminal illness. My weekly “tuck-in calls” done with compassionate spirit provide comfort to patients. It has improved my listening skills and ability to understand. It is an honor to be accepted into people’s lives during a very emotional and difficult time. I’d recommend volunteering at Elara Caring because you are doing good for others and the community. It provides a sense of accomplishment. The role as a volunteer gives a sense of pride and identity. The personal connection and support allow a greater level of end-of-life care satisfaction for patients. My volunteer coordinator goes above and beyond to provide the highest level of care to our patients. It is a pleasure to work with such a talented and caring team.”
“I enjoy volunteering at Elara Caring because I love to socialize. It’s my time to get out of the house and feel like I’m contributing to the wellbeing of others. It’s something positive that will bring positivity to your life knowing you are helping where it’s needed.”
“I had been looking for volunteer opportunities for several months throughout 2021. I am retired and wanted to do something that was helpful to others. By the end of the year, I saw an opportunity that sounded very inviting; it entailed sewing Memory Bears for families of hospice patients. I certainly did not know anything about this venture and had so many questions filtering through my head, but I wanted more information. The family of a patient offers clothing from the patient, perhaps a few special shirts or blouses. Once I get the clothing pieces, I can make the bears from a pattern. Making a Memory Bear is so meaningful to the families who have lost their loved one. It’s a special gift to remind them of someone that made a difference in their lives and is like offering them a ‘hug’ of good memories. I really enjoy volunteering at Elara because I can do it in my own time, and it is something to do at home.”
“I enjoy volunteering at Elara Caring because it gives me an opportunity to use my gift of sewing to bring a little bit of comfort to someone who needs it. As a volunteer, being allowed the opportunity to give a little of my time for a hospice organization like Elara Caring is of the highest possible honor.”
“I’d recommend volunteering at Elara Caring because it is a great opportunity to get volunteer hours in. The hours are flexible.”
“It made me feel like I was making a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic by making sure our hospice patients had everything they needed for the week and didn’t have any COVID symptoms. It was a nice break from everything else going on in my life, and was rewarding to know you’re helping hospice patients stay safe and comfortable. I volunteered virtually throughout the pandemic so was a very convenient and enjoyable way to offer some of my time.”
“Volunteering allows me to give some joy to Elara’s patients. Seeing them so happy with my services is one of the most fulfilling things I have ever experienced.”