A Proactive and Multi-Faceted Approach to Hospital Avoidance
Our Get Home, Stay Home strategic approach to care can help your patients transition safely back in to their home setting and avoid rehospitalization.
At Elara Caring we don’t rely on a single tool to stop the revolving door from hospital to home and back again that many patients experience. Instead we utilize an entire suite of care support options that allow agility and customization of care for each patient’s unique health recovery journey.
Our Call Us First program means that we are only a phone call away for your patients 24/7/365.
We can act as a first line support for questions and concerns, even after hours.
Our 2 Weeks Together Program combines in-person and virtual interactions to address common avoidable issues that can lead to rehospitalization.
This program includes daily interactions utilizing a combination of in-person and virtual visits to address
common issues patients face in the first days at home.
Every patient’s recovery journey is different, but there are common pitfalls patients face.
We can help your patients avoid them.
Secure Online Referral Form
Discharge to Hospice Made Easy
Frequent Returns to the Hospital
Should I Refer to Hospice or Palliative Care?
Hospice Isn’t Just for the Final Days of Life
Talking to Your Patients About Hospice
Look and Listen for the Silent Transition
Is Your Patient Ready for Hospice?
What’s Needed for a Hospice Referral?