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Navigating the complexities of dementia care for caregivers

Meaningful Care Program

Meaningful Care

Meaningful Care is a skilled home health program designed to provide family members and caregivers practical advice, support and resources to help navigate the complexities of dementia care.

Interactive Workbook

A family/caregiver guide and resource booklet designed to offer practical advice, support and resources for dementia caregivers. This workbook contains practical education which outlines physical and emotional changes, how to avoid triggers and address problematic behaviors. It also includes tips for basic care needs like safety, nutrition, dignity and quality of life for you and your loved one.

We are just a phone call away 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. If you have a question or concern we want you to call us for help. We are ready to listen, answer questions, give direction and take action whenever you need us.

Safe at Home

Skilled Home Health can help patients transition safely back into their home setting and help minimize the likelihood of rehospitalization.

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